Outreach Programs
Below is a list of outreach ministries at Immanuel UCC connected to local, national, and international support. Immanuel UCC is always looking for individuals who might want to assist in the support of these programs or who may have an interest starting new programs. All these programs are at the heart of our mission to love and serve God and our neighborhood.

Community Cafe
We help to support the Community Cafe by assisting with their mission of improving food security of the Sedalia and Pettis County communities. We assist to provide nutritious meals to combat hunger and malnutrition.

Open Door Ministries
This ministry is an extension of many churches in the Sedalia area including Immanuel UCC. Open Door was formed to assist residents in Pettis County meet everyday needs. Today Open Door consists of a thrift store and food pantry serving thousands of people. Immanuel UCC is active in staffing both the thrift store and pantry as well as providing thousands of pounds of food per year and monetary donations to share with individuals and families who utilize the Open Door services.

Holiday Food Packs
Every November Immanuel UCC collects food for holiday food packs to be distributed at the Open Door Food Pantry. Each food pack contains enough food for a family of four plus a gift certificate for a meat purchase at a local supermarket to complement the meal. The goal is to have at least one hundred food packs to share.